26th Annual Volunteer Fair Surpasses Expectations

26th Annual Volunteer Fair Surpasses Expectations

The 26th Annual Volunteer Fair held last weekend at Parkinson Recreation Centre surpassed the expectations of Fair attendees, participants and organizers.

“It has been such an amazing day of watching our community connect,” says Dorothee Birker, team lead for KCR’s Community Services Department, which coordinates the Fair. “As the home of the Volunteer Centre of the Central Okanagan we have the pleasure of putting on the annual fair and it is such a joy to spend the day with community-minded people on both sides of the table: those looking for volunteer opportunities and those offering them.”

With over 60 organizations represented and more than 700 people attending, the Fair was a resounding success. Highlight quotes included “chatting about issues with guests”; “feeling like I am with like-minded people”; “connecting with people in the community – everyone was so friendly”; “an enjoyable day interacting with people” and “so many people of all stages and ages”.

“It was perfect to talk with Tamie from Shaw Spotlight because I am interested in journalism and content creation,” says Maya Courtney, a Grade 12 student at KSS who came to the Fair not sure what to expect from the event. “I like that I got to talk to her and she helped connect me to another person at my school who is interested in similar things.”

“The positive mood was energizing and we are grateful to the community for its support,” adds Birker. “A day like today is a great reminder of how rich our community is in social capital. Thank you most sincerely to everyone who participated, from sponsors to organizations to attendees. We are excited to start planning for next year.”

For more information about volunteering go to kcr.ca/volunteer.

Dorothee Birker
Communications & Development Manager
KCR Community Resources
M: 250-860-4911
E: dorothee@kcr.ca
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