Share your Light

with those experiencing darker days.

Share your Light

This year has been transformative for many and we are inspired by the resilience and strength shown by families, individuals and the community. We have had the privilege of seeing first-hand how connection to critical resources has made all the difference:

  • A mother is able to rest easy seeing her at-risk, young adult son go from pandemic isolation and poor self-worth to a confident and independent employee, filled with future hope and saving for his own home.
  • Newcomer families discovered the village of people they need to flourish and nurture their children. Refugees and Displaced People found safety and support after fleeing their homelands.
  • Trained and supported volunteer Crisis Line Responders answered calls and texts, saving lives and listening to those who fear no one can hear them.

The need in our community continues. Many are facing darker days and they need you to share your light. Your donation to KCR Community Resources builds a security net that supports and connects people when they need it most. By tailoring services to meet community, family and individual needs, we bolster those struggling to find their feet and empower them to lead fulfilling and healthy lives. Be a part of creating this change for our community. Your support is key to making a difference.


We know every year, community members consider carefully who to support. There are many organizations doing great work and we often look for ways to collaborate with them to meet community needs. This year, we are asking for your support to help make a difference in the daily lives of the participants we serve.


Would you consider donating to help us meet the community’s needs for:

  • Family and Children
  • Immigrants, Refugees and Displaced people
  • Mental Health support through the Crisis Line
  • Area of Greatest Need

Share your Light with those experiencing darker days.

Donate today.

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