Public Relations Contact
For media related inquiries, please contact:
Ellen Boelcke
Executive Director
If you would like to have some background information about KCR to use for print or web purposes, we kindly suggest you use the following:
KCR has been providing services to the Kelowna and surrounding area for almost 30 years (since 1983) as an incorporated Society and a Registered Charity. KCR is a BC registered legal entity.
We foster independence and promote diversity, regardless of race, ethnicity, faith, social status or economic background in all our programs. We support and encourage our participants toward true physical, economic and social community integration and independence, through our Settlement and Immigration programs, through our Community Information and Volunteer Centre and through our various services to families and children in need in our community.
We strongly support the notion of self-reliance, participant involvement, innovative partnerships, identified outcomes and accountability as a philosophy and articulated in our core values. It has been our experience that individuals accessing services have tremendous resiliency and strength and if presented with opportunity, can overcome significant challenges.
Many of our programs address issues of the marginalized and advocate for understanding and acceptance of diversity and recognition of strength and contribution. We guide our service users towards integration or re-integration into the broader community. We focus on empowering all those with whom we work to play an active part in identifying community service gaps.
Our organizational culture embraces diversity and the belief that every individual has intrinsic worth and the right to be treated with dignity, honesty, integrity and respect.
We work closely with individuals, voluntary organizations, not for profit societies, registered charities, businesses and governmental bodies to address gaps or perceived gaps and to make Kelowna and the surrounding area a more inclusive community.
Logos/Style Guide
If you are looking for a KCR logo to use for any purpose (print / web), please contact us at to send you one appropriate to your needs, along with our usage and style guidelines.
Media Resources Guides
The Media Resources Guide is a quick reference for local newspapers, magazines and online media in the Central Okanagan.