Ministry of Citizens’ Services BC Demographic Survey

Ministry of Citizens’ Services BC Demographic Survey

In 2022, the B.C. government introduced the Anti-Racism Data Act (or ARDA) to safely collect race-based data. This data will be used to help identify where people aren’t getting equitable services. To identify where people experience gaps and barriers in accessing public services, BCStats has launched the BC Demographic Survey.

The survey was created through engagement with Indigenous, Black and other racialized communities. It includes questions about race, ethnicity, ancestry, and other areas of identity. The survey is voluntary, but the more people, regardless of background, who complete the survey, the better and more accurate the data to identify, then eliminate, systemic racism in B.C. government services.

To support greater participation, the government offering grants to racialized, LGBTQ2S+, intersectional and faith-based community organizations as well as Indigenous governments. Successful grant recipients can receive up to $2,500 to pay for expenses such as equipment rentals, communications materials and honorariums. Interested community organizations can apply for grants on a rolling basis through early August.

For more information e-mail or see the following resources:
  • Take the BC Demographic Survey and learn more about the Anti-Racism Data Act here:
  • British Columbians can take the questionnaire and learn about the proposed Anti-Racism Act here:
  • British Columbians can learn about what to do if they see or are the victim of a hate crime at:
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