Celebrating Breastfeeding Week with Virtual ‘Latch On’

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Celebrating Breastfeeding Week with Virtual ‘Latch On’

The first week of October marks National Breastfeeding Week in Canada. To celebrate, Kelowna Breastfeeding Cafe, in partnership with KCR Community Resources, hosts a breastfeeding challenge event each year and this year, the event will be virtual. Breastfeeding mothers are invited to sign up ahead of time and then join the virtual meet up on Saturday, October 3, 2020, at 10:30 am to “latch on” and celebrate together as a community.

“Please visit our Facebook page: Kelowna Breastfeeding Cafe to register ahead of time,” says Kara Aylard, Family Friend Coordinator at KCR Community Resources, and one of the organizers of the event. “Then join us on Saturday starting at 10:30 am. We will latch on at 11:00 am. Since the event is virtual, you can join from anywhere, so come one, come all!” The theme of National Breastfeeding Week is “Support Breastfeeding for a Healthier Planet.” In line with this theme, WHO and Unicef are “calling on governments to protect and promote women’s access to skilled breastfeeding counselling, a critical component of breastfeeding support.” Breastfeeding provides every child with the best start in life, supports the emotional health of both mother and child, and contributes to a sustainable food system. While breastfeeding is natural, it’s not always easy and many women need support to get started and to keep going. (WHO International)

Breastfeeding counselling provides mothers with encouragement, reassurance, and advice to help them reach their breastfeeding goals. Women who receive support and accurate information are empowered to reach their breastfeeding goals. Kelowna Breastfeeding Cafe has provided support to breastfeeding mothers in our community for the past eight years. Typically support is offered through in-person gatherings with no cost to attend. Currently, support is offered through a once a month virtual cafe.

About Kelowna Breastfeeding Café:
Kelowna Breastfeeding Café offers non-judgemental, supportive gatherings where families can find reliable breastfeeding support, resources, and build community.

Dorothee Birker
Communications & Development Coordinator, KCR Community Resources
250-763-8008 ext. 254, dorothee@kcr.ca

Kara Aylard
Family Friend Coordinator, KCR Community Resources
250-763-8008 ext. 136, familyfriend@kcr.ca
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