Volunteerism Survey

Volunteerism Survey

To the wonderful organizations of the Central Okanagan,

As the Volunteer Centre of the Central Okanagan, KCR Community Resources wants to help you recruit and retain the volunteers that make your programmes soar.

We have created a survey for organizations that provide volunteer opportunities to help us better understand what we can do to support you in getting the volunteers you need. During the survey, you will be asked about the organization you represent and the types of volunteering opportunities that your organization provides. You will also be given an opportunity to provide us with your input and suggestions. Your responses will remain anonymous unless you wish to identify yourself by inserting your email.

We would greatly appreciate it if you would take the time to complete this survey. It will only take around 11 minutes to complete.

Please take the survey here

We thank you in advance for your participation!

We have also created a survey for volunteers with the purpose of understanding what we can do to assist them in finding meaningful volunteer opportunities that fit their skills and interests. If you could please share this with your volunteers we would greatly appreciate it.

Please send this link to your volunteers to complete the survey: www.surveymonkey.com/r/VolunteerKCR
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